Vse o frgazarjih in še več

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Re: Vse o frgazarjih in še več

Post by L4UK0 » 30 Oct 2018, 23:29

Je kdo ze imel situacijo, da bi moral vrtat luknje v butterfly / throttle plate?
Pri meni vidim to kot opcijo da dam motorju vec zraka brez da bi lopute odprl do te mere, da se prikaze ze prvi progression hole oz. transition circuit...
Ko bo zvrtano ne bo poti nazaj :lol:
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Re: Vse o frgazarjih in še več

Post by pero27 » 31 Oct 2018, 00:11

Na flatslide delortotih na motorjih smo brusili z trikotno pilo na spodnjem robu utor v ta namen.
Na metuljčku zna biti še bolj problematično, ker spreminjaš kot luknje ko odpiraš metuljček, je pa sigurno luknjo lažje "jetat" kot trikoten utor.
Ampak sej webri majo miljon eni jetov za zrak itd, a se ne da z jeti nastavit bipass zraka ko je zaprt metuljček?
Mogu bi met idle air jet, a nima?
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Re: Vse o frgazarjih in še več

Post by L4UK0 » 31 Oct 2018, 09:40

Nope, nobenega air bypassa, imas samo idle mixture screw. Ki je pa v mojem primeru prakticno povsem zaprt.
Sej da je idle kolikor toliko pravilen AFR se nekako nastavim, hec je da se preostali progression holi pokazejo takoj ko das ze cisto malo gasa in takrat ga utopi...
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Re: Vse o frgazarjih in še več

Post by The Stev » 31 Oct 2018, 10:14

idle mixture screw more bit odprt vsaj krog in pol do dva kroga in pol štelaš druge nastavitve karburatorja ker če začneš z napačnimi nastavitvi na eni strani, končaš z napačnimi nastavitvami drugod. Podobno sem opazil na nekaterih skuterjih 4t s CVK karburatorji ko pridejo z razštelanimi ventili ali umazanimi dizami in pravtako če priviješ preveč vijak od minimuma in ostane odprt kanal pri loputi mogoče še nekako dela na minimumu sam ko daš gas in se pelješ pa ga spustiš on vleče še naprej.

http://www.redlineweber.com/html/Tech/c ... _best_.htm
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Re: Vse o frgazarjih in še več

Post by L4UK0 » 31 Oct 2018, 13:25

Tnx, tole so ciste osnove... :thumbup:
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Re: Vse o frgazarjih in še več

Post by Tine » 31 Oct 2018, 21:40

Ce se prav spomnim imajo moji Dellorti imajo prav en dodaten "air bypass" vijak zraven idle vijaka, ki bi ga lahko uporabil za to, ampak mislim, da bi ti skor moral polovit to z odprtostjo loput in zategovanjem idle mixturea.
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Re: Vse o frgazarjih in še več

Post by pero27 » 01 Nov 2018, 01:20

Mi ni dalo miru zakaj bi bli pri Webru tako butasti in nebi dal ene cevke za zrak bypass...
Se izkaže da so kasneje rešili ta problem; novejši webri imajo za nastavit air bypass tako kot Tinetovi Dellortoti.

Triumfaši to the rescue:

If you can not obtain a correct idle by adjusting the idle mixture screw then the throttle plates are not passing enough air and you need to increase the amount of air going past the throttle plates.

On newer DCOEs with Venturi balance adjustment screw (2):
The venturi balance circuit is an air path that bypasses the throttle plate. The amount of air that bypasses the plates is controlled by the adjustment screw. What this does is allow additional air to go past the throttle plate at the idle position when the throttle plate does not pass enough air for the engine to idle properly (remember we do not adjust the idle adjust screw (6) after it is set at 1/2 turn). Adjusted properly it will let enough air past the throttle plates to allow the engine to idle properly. This adjustment is very sensitive so a little amount of turn can make a big difference in idle.

If the engine will not idle with the throttle plates closed set the idle lever adjustment screw (6) to 1/2 turn beyond initial contact, the idle adjustment screws (4) set at one turn up from fully seated. If the carbs idle and both Venturi balance adjustment screws fully seated. adjust the Venturi balance adjustment screws 1/16th turn off seated then start the engine to see if it idles. If not, adjust both Venturi balance adjustment screws out in 1/16th turn increments until a ballpark idle is achieved then zero in the idle using the idle mixture adjustment screws. When you are satisfied that the Venturi balance adjustment screws are correct, tighten down on the lock nuts and put the cover over the adjustments as they should never need to be adjusted again.

On older DCOEs without Venturi balance adjustment screw (2):
The throttle valves need to be modified to allow additional air flow in the idle position. This is done by drilling holes in the throttle plate near the bottom edge. Drill a 1/2 mm dia hole in each plate on each carb, refit the carbs then try to get the engine to idle. If there is not enough air flow, enlarge the holes to 1mm and try again. If you still do not have enough air, drill a second 1/2mm hole near the first, refit the carbs and try again. Some people file the bottom of the throttle plates to get extra air flow. I do not recommend this as there is no way to assure you have filed the exact same amount off each throttle plate on each carb.
...in moraš na starejših ferglnih res vrtat luknje :crazy: :clap:

Tukaj tud odsvetujejo piljenje metuljčkov, ker kot rečeno je težko zadevo "jettat" na 6ih grlih enako, no mi na enocilindrskih Apriliah nismo mel tega problema :D

Celoten članek, fino branje; http://www.tr3a.info/WeberDCOEinfo.htm#idle
Mogoče bom počas začel o weberjih razmišljat, se mi ne zdijo več tak baubau :D
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Re: Vse o frgazarjih in še več

Post by L4UK0 » 01 Nov 2018, 02:09

Eeee to je to. Now we are getting somewhere. Pa še Anzee mi je danes prnesel en sveder...jutri bo akcija! :lol:
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Re: Vse o frgazarjih in še več

Post by pero27 » 01 Nov 2018, 02:18

Če je manj kot milimeter bi blo boljš če bi ti jih prnesu ene 10 komadov, just sayin' :lol:
Je pa res da je messing na tvoji strani!
Pa da neboš to slučajno z obično bormašino vrtal, ker boš vse zjebal!
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Re: Vse o frgazarjih in še več

Post by Anzee » 01 Nov 2018, 02:34

2mm sveder je. Kot kaze bom jutr laukotu se cheapo-dremel prpelu :)
Ceprou zdej po branju tega se mi zdi 2mm kr velik...
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