8. Trash'n'Burn

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Re: 8. Trash'n'Burn

Post by pinstar55 » 02 Jul 2016, 15:01

Še nekaj slikic...
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Re: 8. Trash'n'Burn

Post by pinstar55 » 02 Jul 2016, 15:03

Še nekaj slikic










So znaki na zadnji sliki primerni in politično korektni ali bomo spet deležni kritik in obtoževanja? :roll:
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Re: 8. Trash'n'Burn

Post by Bulldog_501 » 03 Jul 2016, 00:47

Pa še malo za MythBusterje, ... :D
Če morda koga zanima kanček ameriške zgodovine:

MYTH - The War of 1861 - 1865 was fought over slavery.

FACT - Terribly untrue. The North fought the war over money. Plain and simple. When the South started Secession, Lincoln was asked, "Why not let the South go in peace?" To which he replied, "I can't let them go. Who would pay for the government?" Sensing total financial ruin for the North, Lincoln waged war on the South. The South fought the War to repel Northern aggression and invasion.

MYTH - Only Southerners owned slaves.

FACT - Entirely untrue. Many Northern civilians owned slaves. Prior to, during and even after the War Of Northern Aggression.

Surprisingly, to many history impaired individuals, most Union Generals and staff had slaves to serve them! William T. Sherman had many slaves that served him until well after the war was over and did not free them until late in 1865.

U.S. Grant also had several slaves, who were only freed after the 13th amendment in December of 1865. When asked why he didn't free his slaves earlier, Grant stated "Good help is so hard to come by these days."

Contrarily, Confederate General Robert E. Lee freed his slaves (which he never purchased - they were inherited) in 1862!!! Lee freed his slaves several years before the war was over, and considerably earlier than his Northern counterparts. And during the fierce early days of the war when the South was obliterating the Yankee armies!

Lastly, and most importantly, why did NORTHERN States outlaw slavery only AFTER the war was over? The so-called "Emancipation Proclamation" of Lincoln only gave freedom to slaves in the SOUTH! NOT in the North! This pecksniffery even went so far as to find the state of Delaware rejecting the 13th Amendment in December of 1865 and did not ratify it (13th Amendment / free the slaves) until 1901!

MYTH - The Confederate Battle Flag was flown on slave ships.

FACT - NONE of the flags of the Confederacy or Southern Nation ever flew over a slave ship. Nor did the South own or operate any slaves ships. The English, the Dutch and the Portugese brought slaves to this country, not the Southern Nation.

BUT, even more monumental, it is also very important to know and understand that Federal, Yankee, Union ships brought slaves to America! These ships were from the New England states, and their hypocrisy is atrocious.

These Federals were ones that ended up crying the loudest about slavery. But without their ships, many of the slaves would have never arrived here. They made countless fortunes on the delivery of slaves as well as the products madefrom raw materials such as cotton and tobacco in the South.

This is the problem with Yankee history History is overwhelmingly portrayed incorrectly by most of the Federal & Yankee books and media.

MYTH - The Confederate Battle Flag represented the Southern Nation.

FACT - Not true. While the Southern Battle flag was carried into battle, the Southern Nation had 3 different National flags during the course of the war.

The First National flag was changed due to a resemblance of the US flag.

The Second National flag was subsequently modified due to the similarity to a flag of truce.

The Third National flag was the adopted flag of the Confederacy.

The Confederate Battle Flag was never a National Flag of the Confederacy. It was carried into battle by several armies such as the Army Of Northen Virginia and the Army of Tennessee. Was also used as a Naval Jack by the Confederate Navy.

MYTH - The Confederate Battle Flag is known as the "Stars & Bars".

FACT - A common misconception. The First National Confederate Flag is correctly known as the "Stars & Bars". The Confederate Battle Flag is known as the "Southern Cross".

MYTH - The Confederate Battle Flag represents racism today.

FACT - The Confederate Battle Flag today finds itself in the center of much controversy and hoopla going on in several states. The cry to take this flag down is unjustified. It is very important to keep in mind that the Confederate Battle Flag was simply just that. A battle flag. It was never even a National flag, so how could it have flown over a slave nation or represented slavery or racism? This myth is continued by lack of education and ignorance. Those that villify the Confederate Battle Flag are very confused about history and have jumped upon a bandwagon with loose wheels.

MYTH - The United States Flag represented freedom.

FACT - No chance. The US flag flew over a slave nation for over 85 years! The North tolerated slavery and acknowledged it as a Division Of Labor. The North made a vast fortune on slavery and it's commodities. It wasn't until the South decided to leave the Union that the North objected. The North knew it could not survive without the Southern money. That is the true definition of hypocrisy.

MYTH - Abraham Lincoln was the Great Emancipator.

FACT - While Lincoln has went down in history as the Great Emancipator, many would not care to hear his real thoughts on people of color. Martyred President Abraham Lincoln was fervently making plans to send all freed slaves to the jungles of Central America once the war was over. Knowing that African society would never allow the slaves to return back to Africa, Lincoln also did not want the slaves in the US. He thought the jungles of Central America would be the best solution and conducive to the freed slaves best interest. The only thing that kept this from happening, was his assassination.

MYTH - The South revered slavery.

FACT - A very interesting fact on slavery is that at the time the War of 1861 -1865 officially commenced, the Southern States were actually in the process of freeing all slaves in the South. Russia had freed it's servants in 1859, and the South took great note of this. Had military intervention not been forced upon the South, a very different America would have been realized then as well as now.

MYTH - The Confederate Army was comprised of rich slave owners.

FACT - Very far from true. The vast majority of soldiers in the Confederate Army were simple men of meager income. Most of which were hard working farmers and common men. Then, as now, very few rich men ever fight a war.

MYTH - Only the North had men of color in their ranks.

FACT - Quite simply a major falsehood of history. Many blacks, both free and of their own will, joined the Confederate Army to fight for their beloved Southern home. Additionally, men of other ethnic extraction fought as well. Oriental, Mexican & Spanish men as well as Native American Indians fought with pride for the South.

Today, many men of color are members in the heritage group SCV - Sons Of Confederate Veterans. These men of color and pride rejoice in their heritage. The continued attacks on the Southern Nation, The Confederacy, and her symbols are a terrible outrage to these fine people. These attacks should be denounced with as much fervor as those who denounce the South.

MYTH - The Confederate Flags are an authorized symbol of Aryan, KKK and hate groups.

FACT - Quite the contrary. These dispicable organizations such as the KKK and Aryans have taken a hallowed piece of history, and have plagued good Southern folks and the memories of fine Confederate Soldiers that fought under the flag with their perverse agenda. IN NO WAY does the Confederate Flag represent hate or violence. Heritage groups such as the SCV battle daily the damage done to a proud nation by these hate groups. The SCV denounces all hate groups, and pridefully boast HERITAGE - NOT HATE.

MYTH - The SCV - Sons Of Confederate Veterans are a racist, hate group.

FACT - This is a blatant attack on one of the finest heritage groups ever. The SCV - Sons Of Confederate Veterans are a historical, patriotic and non-political organization comprised of descendents of Confederate Soldiers and sailors dedicated to insuring that a true history of the 1861 -1865 period is preserved and presented to the public. The SCV continues to educate the public of the memory and reputation of the Confederate soldier as well as the motives for his suffering and sacrifice. The SCV - Sons Of Confederate Veterans are in NO WAY affiliated with, nor does it recognize or condone the terrible legacy of hate groups such as the KKK.


Pa sploh ne vem zakaj moramo vedno zaiti s teme zaradi debiloz in nepotrebnega razlaganja dejstev, ki so jasna in normalna za vsakega vsaj malo razgledanega človeka, ... :roll:

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Re: 8. Trash'n'Burn

Post by punto2dark » 03 Jul 2016, 06:53

Sori, ma večje debiloze kot je ta post jst še nism vidu.
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Re: 8. Trash'n'Burn

Post by eugene » 03 Jul 2016, 07:37

Hvala za rezlago. Meni je vsekakor blo zanimivo to prebrat ker se res nikoli nisem spuščal v zgodovino am. dr. vojne. Ipak je to zgodovina neke tuje države. Je pa dejstvo da zastavo vecina dojema kot simbol negavne konotacije.
Let's go Brandon!
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Re: 8. Trash'n'Burn

Post by Bulldog_501 » 03 Jul 2016, 09:24

punto2dark wrote:Sori, ma večje debiloze kot je ta post jst še nism vidu.
Lej, vsakemu svoje, ... Gre za razlago in razumevanje.
Ne vidim nič slabega, da se zavzemaš za nekaj v kar verjameš. Tudi Slovenije ne bi bilo, če se nekoč nebi zavzeli v tisto v kar verjamemo (pustimo na stran to, kar so nekateri do danes naredili iz nje), ... Če si ovca potem ne razumeš, ker brezglavo slediš čredi in se ti seveda zdi debiloza in slediš brez načrta, ... Bistven pomen zastave je morda res uporništvo, ... upornišvo, da ne dovoliš, da ti vsiljujejo in dajejo na krožnik vsak drek in ti ga moraš pojesti, ... f*ck that, don`t care about that, ... bodi človek ne ovca, ... verjami v to v kar verjameš in če je potrebno se bori za to, ne dovoli do ti vsiljujejo vsako bedarijo, ... tako preprosto je to. I rest my case, ... :D
eugene wrote:Hvala za rezlago. Meni je vsekakor blo zanimivo to prebrat ker se res nikoli nisem spuščal v zgodovino am. dr. vojne. Ipak je to zgodovina neke tuje države. Je pa dejstvo da zastavo vecina dojema kot simbol negavne konotacije.
Prav imaš, nekatere skupine so prevzele zastavo za svojo, nelegalno, ... seveda potem zadeva dobi totalno negativno konotacijo, ... žalostno, ... enako se je zgodilo s svastiko (Hindu simbol blagostanja, naziji so jo le zrcalno obrnili) in imelo še večje razsežnosti negativizma. Confederate flag je lepa zastava, paranormalne skupine so jo žal pustile takšno kot je in zato še vedno deli mnenja, ... Tudi američani jo vidijo različno in velja pravilo, da je takšna kot jo vidiš ti in v kar ti verjameš, ... jaz jo vidim pozitivno, ... in se zavzemam v tisto kar verjamem, ... preprosto zato ker nisem ovca in nočem biti ovca, ... čisto preprosto, ... Rock `n` Roll is here to stay it will never die, ... :lol:

In ja, ... sorry, ... zopet smetimo temo, ... se opravičujem, ... 8-)
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Re: 8. Trash'n'Burn

Post by Anzee » 03 Jul 2016, 09:43

Men je blo tut kul to prebrat, super!

Jz sm sam zastavo vidu kot "tist k ma general lee na strehi" :) za ostalo se pa nism brigu ... ampak glede na to da ma dejansko pozitivno noto mi je ql!

Drgac pa zakon, zgleda da ste se mel faj, par je blo tudi zlo zanimivih avtov! 8-)
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Re: 8. Trash'n'Burn

Post by DS71 » 03 Jul 2016, 11:18

sej z takimi "učnimi uricami" ni nič narobe :) Kul
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Re: 8. Trash'n'Burn

Post by pinstar55 » 03 Jul 2016, 15:15

eugene wrote: Je pa dejstvo da zastavo vecina dojema kot simbol negavne konotacije.

Ja, večina. Kaj pa je večina? Večina je s strani politike vodena raja, ki vse svoje revno "znanje" zelo površno črpa iz debilnih TV programov in še tisto nekaj malega kar je na TV morda res poučnega, ne razumejo, to predelajo v šank debatah in potem pridejo ven briljantni zaključki. Ta ista večina tudi tetoviranje dojema, kot nekaj negativnega, nenormalnega in groznega. Za večino je tetoviran človek smet. Večina je tudi prepričana, da je malteški križ nacistični simbol. Večina je prepričana, da imajo le oni prav, ker so večina. Večina ima vedno svojo nacijo za boljšo od drugih, kar pelje k nacionalizmu in rasizmu. Večina je vedno polna predsodkov in vedno želi vsiljevati drugim svoj prav. Večina je vedno prepričana, da le oni živijo in delajo pravilno, vse kar odstopa od njihovega dojemanja želijo uničiti. Na kratko, večina mi ga lahko samo popuši. :lol: Zaradi te večine bom vedno z veseljem izobesil rebel flag, če ne drugega samo zato, da ne spadam med večino.

EDIT: Aja, pa še to, ta ista zblojena večina tudi nikoli ni marala hipijev ;)
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Re: 8. Trash'n'Burn

Post by pero27 » 03 Jul 2016, 18:38

Moje mnenje je sicer da za zastavami stojijo ovce, volkovi jih nimajo.
Ampak ne vem zakaj se je treba it zdej neke politične debate na tem forumu? Jih je na drugih forumih dost... ;)
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